A weekly protein diet, called a protein diet, is one of the basic methods of many diets that lead to weight loss. The principle of a protein diet is similar to many weight loss systems, but today we will talk about the so-called "minus 6-7 kg in 7 days" system, in which you should consume maximum protein (protein) and minimum carbohydrates and fats in the diet.
The diet completely eliminates all foods high in carbohydrates and severely reduces the amount of fat and is presented with three menu options: for a week, 14 days (the easiest) and 4 weeks. The effectiveness and the average calorie content are completely identical, the only difference is the duration.
The essence of dietary protein
This is the simplest and, most importantly, effective technique to help a person lose weight. The main thing to remember is that this is a simple protein diet for very fast weight loss, the menu of which can not contain sweeteners, including sugar and honey.
- Eat only foods high in protein.
- Complete rejection of the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, pasta of various types, products from their dough).
- Avoid products that are pure fats (animal fat, mayonnaise).
- Ability to consume fruits, fish, vegetables, eggs, vegetable oil, salad, dairy products (not fatty) without restrictions.
- Carbohydrate restriction?
- And one last thing you need to know: the most effective protein diet for weight loss requires physical activity. This is due to the fact that the body, which receives an increased amount of protein (protein), always directs it to muscle growth.
Allowed protein products
There are more than 70 foods in the protein diet, so reading this section will show you how varied it is like no other diet:
- Lean, dietary meat. For example, from beef, beef, horse meat, you can cook steaks or cutlets, cook a rabbit.
- Do you eat by-products: beef liver, poultry, beef tongue, lamb, front beef?
- There are no restrictions on the type of fish, it can be oily, frozen, dried or smoked, canned, crab.
- Seafood of any kind?
- Poultry, except duck, goose. Keep in mind that you can not eat the skin.
- Low fat ham of all varieties?
- Chicken and quail: you can fry eggs, omelette, cook in any way.
- Dairy products in unlimited variety, but without fat.
- One and a half liters of liquid for one day in the form of: tea, coffee, herbal infusion, diet drinks, water.
- Plant proteins - tofu, seitan;
- Oat bran?
- Drying apples, pears?
- Sweetener in any quantity?
- Skimmed milk powder?
- Balsamic or wine vinegar?
- Salted soy sauce?
- Adjika, tomato sauce, tomatoes in their own juice?
- Cumin, garlic, herbs, onions?
- Spices for seasoning dishes?
- Cucumbers?
- Moderate amount of salt.
- Lemon and its juice on the plates?
- Mustard, ginger, yeast?
- Sugar-free chewing gum?
- Vanilla, agar-agar, Vaseline oil?
- Sugar-free lollipops.
Protein drinks
Your diet allows you to drink tea, sugar-free coffee, herbal teas and infusions, water (plain and mineral). Fruit juices and sugary drinks are prohibited. Tomato juice or celery juice with the addition of apple is good for the body. First of all, monitor your carbohydrate content: there should be a few of them.
We categorically say "no" to alcohol, insuring the liver, kidneys and stomach. In addition, alcohol prevents such an enzyme from acting as a pepsin, which is responsible for breaking down animal proteins. Therefore, instead of losing weight, you gain weight and most likely develop stomach problems.
Strictly forbidden foods with protein diet
- Sweet: sweets, chocolates, pastries, cakes, ice cream, sweet fruits and ready-made fruit juices.
- Flour: bread, pasta, pastries
- Potatoes (in any form);
- Sausages, sausages?
- Fast food and convenience foods.
- Butter and other fats?
- Alcohol?
- Porridge?
- Salt, as it retains fluid in the body.
List of animal protein products
During a protein diet, chicken, turkey and rabbit are allowed, but pork and lamb are prohibited. It is better to choose low fat or low fat milk.
List of animal protein products:
- Sturgeon Caviar;
- Lamb?
- Shrimp, crayfish, crabs?
- Cheese?
- Salmon, beluga, tuna, sardines;
- Beef?
- Chicken meat, chickens?
- Rabbit, hare?
- Pork?
- Chicken and quail eggs.
- Fermented milk and milk products.
- Duck, goose?
- Chicken stomachs?
- Beef tongue?
- Liver.
List of vegetable protein products
- Soybeans?
- Beans and red beans?
- Peanuts?
- Lentils? Buckwheat?
- Semilina?
- Sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds?
- Millet?
- Almonds?
- Peas, chickpeas?
- Peanuts?
- Hazelnut?
- Brazil nuts and walnuts?
- Bread and bakery?
- Mushrooms?
- Apples and pears?
- Berries?
- Millet?
- Garlic?
- Peas and green vegetables?
- Potatoes, onions, zucchini, carrots, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and cucumbers.
- Algae and seaweed?
- Oranges and other citrus fruits
- Pineapple? Stone fruits - apricots, peaches, cherries, avocados;
- Tofu (bean)
- Edamam (small green beans);
- Seitan (gluten free);
- Spirullina (microalgae);
- Dried apricots and plums, dates?
- Papaya and kiwi?
- Soy milk.
Contraindications. Who Should Not Lose Weight on a Fast Protein Diet
It is best to opt out of a high protein diet for people with the following ailments:
- With severe kidney disease, which is not allowed to increase the load last.
- With liver problems, with gallstones of a specific nature.
- With severe gastrointestinal diseases.
- With oncological neoplasms.
- With severe heart disease.
- Women during pregnancy. The development of a special diet is possible, but only by a specialist.
Protein diet for a week - weight loss menu
Another advantage of the seven-day protein diet for very fast weight loss is that you can make the menu at your discretion. There are no strict rules here. This option is just an example. Eating meat and losing weight seems incredible, but powerful.
- Breakfast: coffee, two eggs
- Second breakfast: 200 grams of buckwheat porridge.
- Lunch: 150 grams of boiled meat;
- Afternoon snack: 250 grams of vegetable salad;
- Dinner: steamed fish 200 g
- Before going to bed: a glass of 1% kefir.
- Breakfast: coffee, cottage cheese 100 g;
- Second breakfast: 250 grams of fruit.
- Lunch: 200 gr. boiled fish + tomato?
- Afternoon snack: 200 grams of cabbage salad?
- Dinner: 200 grams of chicken breast
- Before bed: natural yogurt.
- Breakfast: tea, oats in water.
- Lunch: grapefruit;
- Lunch: 250 g chicken liver with sour cream sauce
- Afternoon snack: 200 grams of cucumber and tomato salad.
- Dinner: a spoonful of tuna in its own juice
- Before going to bed: kefir or milk.
- Breakfast: coffee, 2 egg omelets, a slice of cheese.
- Second breakfast: 200 grams of fruit.
- Lunch: 250 g chicken liver with sour cream sauce
- Afternoon snack: 150 grams of rice, cooked with vegetables.
- Dinner: 200 g of steamed fish;
- Before bed: curd.
- Breakfast: cottage cheese 100 g, tea;
- Second breakfast: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge with dried fruit.
- Lunch: 200 grams of beef, 150 grams of vegetable salad.
- Snack: orange?
- Dinner: boiled seafood with green salad.
- Bedtime: Herbal tea.
- Breakfast: oatmeal in water, tea?
- Second breakfast: 200 grams of fruit.
- Lunch: steamed fish steak 250 g;
- Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g with dried fruits or berries.
- Dinner: 200 grams of chicken breast with 100 grams of raw vegetables.
- Before you go to bed: kefir.
- Breakfast: 100 grams of cottage cheese, coffee
- Second breakfast: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge.
- Lunch: 200 grams of boiled vegetables, 100 grams of rice.
- Afternoon snack: fruit 250 g;
- Dinner: 200 grams of turkey fillet, green salad?
- Before bed: natural yogurt.
The diet of the 7-day protein diet includes various protein products (fish, eggs, meat), which are recommended to be consumed in small quantities (usually 200 g per meal).
Since a protein diet for weight loss for a week puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, eat more vegetables. Eat at least 4 small meals a day. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
Week 2:the daily menu is repeated, while small amounts of complex carbohydrates are added.
Protein diet for 2 weeks - menu for 14 days
The menu for the 14-day diet varies. It is dominated by products that contain protein, carbohydrates with a reduced glycemic index are used.
1 week
- Breakfast: black coffee without added sugar.
- Lunch: three boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad, spices with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), 200 g of tomato juice.
- Dinner: fried or boiled fish.
- Breakfast: sugar-free black coffee with a crouton?
- Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with cabbage, spices with vegetable oil.
- Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 grams of kefir.
- Breakfast: sugar-free black coffee with a crouton?
- Lunch: oversized zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples?
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.
- Breakfast: black coffee without sugar
- Lunch: a raw egg, boiled carrots 3 pcs. with vegetable oil, hard cheese - 15 g;
- Dinner: fruit.
- Breakfast: raw carrots - 1 pc. with lemon juice
- Lunch: large fish fried or boiled, 200 g of tomato juice?
- Dinner: fruit.
- Breakfast: black coffee without sugar
- Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken meat, salad of fresh cabbage or carrots in vegetable oil.
- Dinner: two boiled eggs, a glass of fresh carrots, grated with vegetable oil.
- Breakfast: tea without sugar - a glass
- Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit
- Dinner: Dinner menu from any previous day except Wednesday.
Week 2
- Breakfast: tea without sugar
- Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit
- Dinner: Dinner menu from any previous day except Wednesday.
- Breakfast: black coffee without sugar
- Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken, fresh carrot or salad with cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil.
- Dinner: boiled eggs - 2 pcs. , a glass of fresh carrots, finely chopped with vegetable oil.
- Breakfast: freshly grated carrots with lemon juice
- Lunch: boiled or fried fish, 200 g of tomato juice;
- Dinner: fruit.
- Breakfast: black coffee without added sugar.
- Lunch: a raw egg, boiled carrots (3 pcs. ), spices with vegetable oil, 15 grams of hard cheese.
- Dinner: fruit.
- Breakfast: black coffee with croutons?
- Lunch: zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples;
- Dinner: two boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.
- Breakfast: black coffee without sugar with croutons?
- Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with fresh cabbage, spices with vegetable oil.
- Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 grams of kefir.
- Breakfast: black coffee without sugar
- Lunch: a boiled egg, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, 200 g of tomato juice.
- Dinner: boiled or fried fish (large).
You can not follow the same diet for more than 14 days, the diet can be repeated no earlier than six months later. Sports and allowed foods are the key to success with a protein diet, this combination will save you 6-7 pounds or more. in a short time.
The Benefits of a 14-Day Protein Diet
- During a diet, you will be able to exercise or work out along with weight loss and fast weight loss will not make you wait.
- Follow the basic recommendations so that your protein day gives the maximum effect and benefit: reduce your daily calorie intake to 1000-1200 kcal. Do not forget the water regime: drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
- In a protein diet there is no feeling of hunger, protein food takes up to 4 hours to digest and snack menus are less than 3 hours (with 6 meals a day).
- Any manifestations of weakness, general fatigue, lethargy, dizziness will be minimal - compared to other diets.
- The 14 day protein diet is one of the simplest and easiest in terms of restrictions.
- The body is improved in a complex way - the hips become more elastic, the skin tightens and stimulates, sleep is normalized, cellulite is reduced, mood and efficiency are increased - due to additional loads reducing fats.
- The menu of the week with recipes includes a large amount of fiber, so breaks in the intestine are unlikely. The most effective protein diet for weight loss includes fractional meals.
- The rate of weight loss in a protein diet is not the highest, but the results are different - if you follow the right diet, weight gain will not happen for a long time.
- Exercising in the gym while dieting will only enhance the effect of weight loss, making you slim and graceful.
Disadvantages of a diet protein for 14 days
- The 14-day protein diet is not optimally balanced, although it is used in conjunction with fitness or shaping.
- Abrupt jumps in blood pressure are possible.
- Six meals a day will not suit everyone.
- Gyms are supposed to work - something that is not always possible.
- Repeated application of this variant of the protein diet for 14 days is possible not earlier than one month.
- Any chronic illness during the diet can get worse.
- Vitamins, trace elements and minerals are not enough for the body during the diet and the negative effect is intensified only with extra loads. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations or their complexes.
Protein diet - menu for 4 weeks
You may ask, what is the most effective protein diet for weight loss and what is its menu? We will tell you that everything is very individual. When choosing a protein diet, make sure the ones you are considering are licensed.
First week (have breakfast with half a grapefruit / orange and a boiled egg):
- Monday:lunch with a selection of fruits, how much you eat (orange, apple, apricot, pear, melon). we have dinner with boiled beef.
- Tuesday:Dine on skinless boiled chicken. Dinner with two eggs, vegetable salad. snacks with kefir and toast
- Wednesday:lunch with hard cheese, tomato, bread; boiled turkey dinner;
- Thursday:for lunch unlimited amount of citrus in one form. for dinner, boiled chicken fillet with bread.
- Friday:lunch with two eggs with vegetables. boiled / fried fish dinner with vegetable salad. snack with a citrus
- Saturday:lunch with some kind of fruit. dinner with boiled beef and vegetable salad.
- Sunday:dine on boiled chicken with vegetables, can you eat a tomato, grapefruit? and for dinner, boil vegetables.
Second week (breakfast is the same as week 1):
- Monday:for lunch, eat boiled beef with vegetable salad. in the evening, eat some boiled eggs and grapefruit.
- Tuesday:lunch with boiled turkey and vegetable salad. dinner with eggs and orange
- Wednesday:boiled fish with fresh cucumbers for lunch. eggs with orange for dinner.
- Thursday:at noon eat eggs, hard cheese with low fat, boil vegetables. Dinner with two eggs.
- Friday:fried fish for dinner? for dinner - boiled eggs 2 pieces.
- Saturday:boiled chicken breast for lunch, as well as tomatoes and grapefruit? make a fruit salad for dinner.
- Sunday:for lunch, grilled steak, tomato, grapefruit? for dinner - eat the same as lunch.
The third week with a brief description for the whole day:
- Monday:Eat fruit in the morning without limiting yourself in quantity.
- Tuesday:boiled vegetables are also offered in unlimited quantities, only without potatoes.
- Wednesday:Eat all day, alternating fruits with vegetables, make salads, eat whole.
- Thursday:Steam lean fish with boiled vegetables, add salad with cabbage vitamin.
- Friday:Boil or fry the turkey meat, eat it boiled with vegetables.
- Saturday, Sunday:fruits are unlimited.
The fourth week includes specific products for each day:
- Monday:200 grams of boiled chicken breast, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, canned tuna without oil, a slice of bread, grapefruit?
- Tuesday:fried beef (200 grams), the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, bread, apple or pear.
- Wednesday:a piece of low-fat hard cheese, boiled vegetables, some cucumbers and some tomatoes, a loaf of bread, an orange.
- Thursday:Boil 200 grams of turkey, as much as fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bread, grapefruit, pear?
- Friday:Boil two eggs, eat 3 tomatoes a day, vegetable salad, orange.
- Saturday:boiled turkey breast, canned tuna, boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and two tomatoes, bread, apple;
- Sunday:a portion of low calorie cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, two glasses of kefir, grapefruit.
The main disadvantages of a diet protein
Like any diet, along with the benefits, a protein diet has some obvious disadvantages:
- Significant stress on the kidneys - as a result of consuming a large amount of protein, the kidneys receive additional stress, there is significant fluid loss.
- Imbalance of metabolism in the body - due to certain dietary restrictions, there is a lack of certain substances, vitamins and minerals. To minimize the possible negative effects of this, vitamin and mineral complexes should be taken during the diet. Gastrointestinal Disorder - can occur in some cases due to lack of adequate amount of fiber, which is found in large quantities in cereals, vegetables and a protein diet are practically excluded from the diet.
- Dehydration of the body - can occur due to the exclusion from the diet of vegetables and fruits that contain a large amount of fluid. Therefore, to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to consume at least one and a half liters of fluid daily, better than mineral water without gases.
- Protein diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys, as well as for the elderly, as the high content of protein in the blood increases its coagulation, which can cause blood clots. blood.
Useful Tips for Weight Loss on a Protein Diet
- 10-15 minutes before a meal, we recommend drinking about a glass of water (plain or mineral) to avoid dehydration. The total amount of fluid you drink should not be less than 1. 5 liters per day. For weight loss, the protein diet menu is very effective and the mechanism of its effect on the body has been thoroughly studied and scientifically proven
- To avoid harming your health, you need to count calories: the number of calories per day should not be less than 1200.
- Dietary deviations are unacceptable, it is recommended to eat at the same time. Take special care for dinner, it should not be too late.
- Edit the menu (diet) in the chart or table, this will help you to follow exactly the diet plan.
- Diet is a diet, but it does not reduce physical activity, do not forget that physical activity is a natural catalyst for fat burning.
- When it is best to diet - during work or on vacation - everyone decides for himself, depending on the nature of work, habits, will. Someone is more comfortable at work, as he is distracted, he is constantly busy with something and this will help him escape from hunger and ideological thoughts about food. Someone, on the other hand, needs a break or vacation, since they can not eat according to the plan, do not have the opportunity to carry hot, food containers.
- The most responsible, difficult days are 3-5 days of protein, when the body in a panic begins to replenish consumed fat at the expense of stored fat, but at the same time will actively ask you for extra food. Right now, the main thing is not to succumb to his demands and not eat what is not prescribed in the diet. Use all your will, remember how beautiful and delicate you will become.
Protein Recipes
The most common protein breakfast is eggs. They can be used to prepare many energy dishes for the whole day. Of the advantages, it can be noted that the recipes for a protein diet are very tasty. Here are some examples.
Omelet in a bag
- 3 eggs;
- 100 ml. 1, 5% milk;
- Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.
- Transparent plastic bag.
Beat the eggs and milk lightly. Season to taste with spices and herbs. Pour the mixture into a bag and put it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Over time, we take out the contents of the bag and put it on a plate. A wonderful fat-free breakfast is ready!
Chicken squid salad
- Squid - 2 peeled carcasses;
- χωρίς skinless chicken breast.
- 2 eggs;
- Natural yogurt - 2 tablespoons. Λ. ;
- Cheese - 50 g;
- Greens, salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste.
- Pine cone for decoration.
Boil the squid, chicken breast and eggs. Cut into cubes. Three cheeses. Grate the greens. We mix everything. Prepare a sauce of natural yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and pepper. Season the salad and garnish with pine nuts. Leave the salad sharp just before use.
For lunch and dinner, grilled, grilled or boiled beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish or seafood are good choices.
Chicken in kefir
- Chicken breast - 1 pc.
- Salt, pepper, garlic?
- Kefir - half a liter.
Grate the chicken fillet with salt, pepper and chopped garlic and then fill it with kefir. Allow to marinate for at least 3 hours. Then bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Pork in soy sauce
- Pork (not fatty parts) - 1 kg. ;
- Soy sauce - Or cup?
- Salt, pepper, spices for meat - 2 tbsp.
Cut the pork into medium pieces, grate with spices, salt and pepper, fill with soy sauce and marinate for 2-3 hours. The pork can be baked in the oven or cooked until golden brown. The basis of recipes for a protein diet for weight loss is protein, low in fat and carbohydrates. Next, we advise you to look at reviews on a protein diet for weight loss.
The protein diet is the generic name for a protein diet. The diet consists of meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Vegetables with fruits are used, but in smaller quantities, the same goes for cereals, soups and other carbohydrate-rich foods - the main source of energy.